Safer Moving and Handling of People (RQF Level 2/SafeCert Level 2)

We at SafeCert Awards provide the accreditation service through our awarding body to provide our accredited trainers and accredited centres a range of Healthcare Awards.

Qualification Details

This award gives a great induction training in the safe movement and handling of People or as great refresher training in practical skills in safe movement.  It will cover the core safety aspects of safe movement as well as the core moves in safe movement of people with and without equipment as required.

The unit has to learning outcomes as follows:

  1. Understand the reasons for safer moving and handling of people in care settings
    • Understand the practical implications of the following:
      • Principles of safer moving and handling of people
      • Posture and positioning
      • Ergonomics
      • Consent and dignity including sensitivity to cultural issues
    • Describe the responsibilities of employers and employees in relation to safer moving and handling
    • Give examples of potential moving and handling, that could occur to the care giver or person being moved
  2. Be able to move and position individuals safely, maintaining their dignity (Demonstrating safe moving and handling techniques as follows):
    • Prepare an environment before moving and handling to include:
      • Understanding the importance of checking individuals risk assessment and care plan
      • Preparing the environment
      • Checking equipment before and after use
    • Move and position an individual for the following
      • Assisting with Mobility – Sitting, Standing and Walking: To include base movement, assisted walking, moving forward in seat and standing, sitting in seat and moving back, check wheelchair, transfer from chair to chair/wheelchair/commode and the falling patient
      • Assisting with Mobility – Bed Mobility: To include turning in bed, getting into/out of bed, moving up and down in bed as well as sitting up and lying down in bed
      • Assisting with Mobility – Using a Hoist: To include checking the hoist, choosing/fitting a sling in bed, choosing/fitting a sling in a chair, hoisting from chair to bed, hoisting from floor, transfer to/from toilet/chair/wheelchair with hoist
    • Demonstrate ways to encourage and maintain an individual’s independence and maintain their dignity

The qualification is assessed with a series of practical moves as well as their knowledge in the form of a multiple choice question paper.