Outdoor First Aid (RQF Level 3)

We at SafeCert Awards provide the accreditation service through our awarding body to provide our accredited trainers and accredited centres a range of First Aid at Work Awards including the Outdoor First Aid award.

Qualification Details

This accredited qualification provides theoretical and practical training in outdoor first aid techniques that are specific to those who as part of their working duties have outdoor activities, where first aid related to these activities is required in outdoor environments where help can be up to 2 hours away. Learners who complete the first unit only can gain the Emergency Action Award.

Learners will become familiar with the role of the outdoor  and be able to assess and react appropriately to an emergency situation, such as a assess emergency incidents in the outdoors, medical conditions, effects of cold and heat, environmental factors, injuries to limb, neck, head or torso injuries, blood loss, choking, CPR etc.

This qualification consists of two mandatory units and is typically delivered over a period of 2 days with a minimum contact time of 16 hours.