SafeCert Award in First Aid at Work (RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3)

We at SafeCert Awards provide the accreditation service through our awarding body to provide our accredited trainers, assessors and accredited centres a range of First Aid Awards.

Qualification Details

This SafeCert Award  (RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3) qualification complies with the guidelines and criteria as defined by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) in respect of the 1981 (First Aid) Regulations as well as the HSENI with Health and Safety (first aid) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1982. Where the risk assessment of First Aid needs identifies the need for First Aider’s, then this course will give your learners that, subject to assessment.

The award has 2 units as follows:

Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Recognition and Management of Illness and Injury in the Workplace.

Those who only complete unit 1 can gain the SafeCert Award (RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3). The duration of the SafeCert Award in First Aid at Work (RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3) must be a minimum of 3 days with a minimum of 18 contact hours.  This is the award you require to act as an appointed First Aider in the Workplace and meets the HSE/HSENI requirements for first aiders in the workplace.

The course must be completed within 10 weeks from starting and each session must be a minimum of 2 hours