We at SafeCert Awards provide the accreditation service through our awarding body to provide our accredited trainers and accredited centres a range of First Aid at Work Awards as follows:
Qualification Levels
SafeCert provide a total of 2 levels of First Aid qualifications for standard first aid at work, emergency first aid, first aid with child and baby, activity first aid, use of defibrillator and cpr etc. The details of each level is as follows:
- This Emergency First Aid follows the guidelines of HSE for the 1 day emergency first aid at work qualification
- RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3
- This First Aid at Work Award follows the guidelines of HSE for the 3 day first aid at work qualification
- RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3
- This AED Award is a very practical course to give lots of practice in AED’s as casualty’s survival rate will dramatically increase if an AED is available and if you have appropriately qualified personnel to use it.
- RQF Level 2 / SafeCert Level 2
- This Activity First Aid Award has 2 units, the first is Emergency First Aid. It is designed for those in sports, leisure and recreation. It will also cover hypothermia to head injuries, sprains and strains to diabetes and asthma.
- RQF Level 2 / SafeCert Level 2.
- This Paediatric First Aid Award has two units. This two-day course satisfies the guidelines and criteria as defined by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and OFSTED.
- RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3
- This Emergency Paediatric First Aid 1-day course gives an introduction to child first aid. If you need to satisfy criteria as defined by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and OFSTED then you need 2-Day version of this course.
- RQF Level 3 / SafeCert Level 3
- This Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis Award has 2 units, the first is Emergency First Aid. It is designed for those in sports, leisure and recreation. It will also cover hypothermia
to head injuries, sprains and strains to diabetes and asthma. - RQF Level 3
- This Outdoor First Aid Emergency Action Award has 1 unit in Emergency First Aid. It is designed for those in sports, leisure and recreation. It will also cover hypothermia to head injuries, sprains and strains to diabetes and asthma.
- RQF Level 2
- This Outdoor First Aid Award has 2 units, the first is Emergency First Aid. It is designed for those in sports, leisure and recreation. It will also cover hypothermia to head injuries, sprains and strains to diabetes and asthma.
- RQF Level 3
- This First Aid Essentials Award has 1 unit, its designed as a public first aid award for persons from age 14 and upwards. A great course on general first aid for Scouts, Guides, Duke of Edinburgh etc
- RQF Level 2/SafeCert Level 3.